A lot of countries, he says, had been able to balance their development aid against debt relief. 他说,很多国家能平衡他们的发展援助和债务减免。
Officials said Mr Thomsen specifically mentioned the need for debt relief during the three-hour meeting. 官员称,汤姆森在3个小时的会议中明确提到了债务减免的必要。
Eurozone creditors, which hold the bulk of Greek debt, are adamantly opposed to debt relief. 持有希腊大部分的债务的欧元区债权人,强烈反对债务减免。
The promise of aid, in the form of debt relief and loan guarantees, is helping allay some fears in Egypt and Tunisia. 以免除债务和贷款保证的方式提供援助的承诺,有助于消除埃及和突尼斯的一些忧虑。
IBRD income also pays for World Bank operating expenses and has contributed to IDA and debt relief. IBRD收入也支付世行经费,同时还用于IDA和减债工作。
There is a real risk of seeing countries which have benefited from debt relief become heavily indebted once more. 看到那些受益于债务减免的国家再次负债累累,这确实很危险。
Debt relief should also be on the agenda. 减免债务也应当提上议事日程。
I have a new appreciation for the urgent need for debt relief, infrastructure and regional integration if poverty is to be reduced. 我对于为减少贫困需要减免债务,发展基础设施,推进区域一体化的迫切性有了一种新的认识。
Second, developed countries must provide the resources for deeper, faster, and broader debt relief. 其次,发达国家必须提供资源,用于更深、更快、更广地减免债务。
Progress in reform programs and in debt relief have improved the prospects for growth. 推进改革计划和减债方面取得的进步有助于增长前景的改善。
The new G-8 debt relief proposal provides an opportunity for several countries to reallocate significant resources to HIV/ AIDS. 八国集团新的债务免除建议为若干国家提供了一个机会,向HIV/艾滋病重新分配大量资源。
Africa has benefited from big inflows of foreign direct investment, especially from China, as well as foreign aid and debt relief. 非洲受益于大量流入的外国,尤其是中国的直接投资,还受益于外国援助和债务减免。
Plan B acknowledges the need for debt relief, through some combination of a fiscal transfer and a contribution by bondholders. A计划是实施紧缩;B计划承认有必要通过结合使用财政转移和债券持有人的贡献,来削减债务。
She negotiated significant debt relief, more than quadrupled the national budget, opened a large investigation into corruption and started a truth and reconciliation commission to address crimes committed during the civil war. 她通过谈判,为利比里亚免除了大量债务,将国家预算提高了三倍以上,对腐败行为展开大规模调查,并创建了一个真相与和解委员会,调查内战期间的种种罪行。
The eurozone must recognise that some form of debt relief, or default, will be inevitable. 欧元区必须认识到,某种形式的债务减免(即违约)将是不可避免的。
African countries endowed with natural resources but emerging from civil war would be treated by multilateral agencies as candidates for debt relief and grants. 自然资源丰富但刚刚摆脱内战的非洲国家,通常会被多边机构列为债务减免和捐助的候选对象。
Eurozone finance ministers meet today to discuss a new debt relief package for Greece. 欧元区财长将在今日开会,商讨新一轮希腊纾困方案。
REPORTER: But why exactly are you tying in the debt relief to forest conservation? 记者:但究竟是什么让你们想到将债务免除与森林保护联系起来?
Neither the debt relief nor the new international assistance stemmed Allende's rush toward confrontation with the United States. 无论是放宽偿还债务的期限,还是新提供的国际援助,都没有阻挡住阿连德迫不及待地与美国对抗。
And finally we worked very closely on HIPC ( debt relief). 最后,我们还在重债穷国(减免债务)动议方面进行了十分密切的合作。
Rich countries promised more aid and debt relief and, in return, poor countries promised to combat corruption and strengthen governance and accountability. “富国承诺增加援助和减债,而作为交换,穷国承诺反腐败和加强治理与问责”。
Debt relief for childhood development; 为儿童发展减免债务;
But it was failed export credit borrowing that made up much of the crushing weight of African sovereign debt written off over the past decade by rich donor countries in the heavily-indebted poor countries debt relief scheme. 但过去10年间,富裕捐赠国对负债累累的贫穷国家进行的债务减免计划中,被免除的大部分非洲国家主权债务,都是无法偿付的出口信贷。
An increased focus on debt relief and making development aid more effective are part of the story. 重视债务减免和提高援助效益是其中部分内容。
Debt relief will reduce significantly Liberia's debt burden and free up resources needed to finance expenditures in key areas critical to meeting the Millennium Development Goals. 免除的债务将大大减轻利比里亚的外债负担,为对实现千年发展目标有着重要作用的重点领域筹集所需支出腾出了资金。
But behind the generous pledges are deep divisions about what debt relief is really for. 然而如此慷慨解囊的背后,是关于债务减免真正目的何在的巨大分歧。
We have agreement on more aid, we have consensus on debt relief, now let's complete the picture and deliver a true development round on trade. 我们已经达成了增加援助的协定,并在债务减免问题上达成了一致。现在,让我们创造所有的必要的条件,打造一个真正的贸易发展回合。
We must use all potential means of raising resources, including debt relief. 我们必须利用所有潜在的筹资手段,包括减免债务。